Monday, February 22, 2016

February: The Month of Early Mornings, Part II

Full disclosure: I am failing at this.

I have not succeeded in getting up every single morning at 5 a.m. (weekdays) and 6 a.m. (weekends).  I have lots of unsatisfying excuses:  my kid got an ear infection, I got sick, work has been crazy, etc.  I was awful the first week of February.  Better the second week and third week, but still not doing waking up every single day at those times.

That said, I have generally been waking up a lot earlier.  Not as early as I planned but still an hour earlier than my norm—I would say that I’ve been averaging getting up at 5:45 a.m. on mornings that I don’t get  up at 5. 

And you know what?  It’s been strangely amazing.  

On the mornings where I work out, this used to be my routine: 
6:00 a.m.  Wake up, roll out of bed, and put on work out clothes. 
6:05 a.m.  Drive to the YMCA in a befuddled daze.  Try not to run anything or anyone over on the way.
6:10-6:40 a.m.  Work out.  Still half asleep. 
6:45 a.m.  Return home to get ready for work.

Now it’s like this:
5:00 a.m.  Wake up.  Go to the kitchen, make some tea. 
5:05-5:40 a.m.  Drink tea and eat a healthy breakfast of Greek yogurt and granola.  Play some games on my phone.  Read a chapter of a book.  Check Facebook.  Put on work out clothes.
5:45 a.m  Drive to the YMCA.  Sing along to the radio.  Marvel at the beauty of the sunrise.
5:50-6:20 a.m.  Work out.  Get really into the episode of This American Life and finish listening to it in as I jog extra.  Learn all of the words to Hamilton and attempt to rap silently.  
6:25 a.m.  Return home and have ample time to get ready for work and start the day.

It’s so obvious that it’s kind of dumb.  I feel so much better and so much more productive with the combination of caffeine + breakfast before I work out.  I used to wait until I drove to work to eat (in the car) and I had my first cup of tea when I arrived.  

So despite my failure, I think I'm doing pretty good for myself this month.  Next update:  Can I maintain this?  What do I have to give up?  And what do I do at 6 a.m. on the weekends?


  1. You can do it! On your Saturday's, maybe yoga from YouTube, meditation, or extra reading. If you like to bake, you could also try that? Also to implement my earlier mornings, I put the alarm far enough away that you have to get out of bed. I also worked myself up to the full hour. Each week I got up 15 minutes earlier... For 4 weeks until I reached the full hour.

    1. That's really smart! I love that idea of working up to it. My issue right now is that my kids wake up early and my son has been ridiculously clingy...but I know it's just a phase.

  2. I don't see this as a 'fail'! 5:00 a.m. is REALLY early and kudos to you for at least giving it a shot. Besides we need our rest too. Are you going to bed earlier as well?
